Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Day 8 Lake Mead National Recreation Area. Nov. 26, 2013

Destination: try to camp near Colorado river

Depart: 8:30
Arrive: 1:00

Weather: sunny and warm, windy while driving 55- 70 

Visit: Laughlin, NV. for dinner, we ate at Colorodo Belles captain buffet. $6 all you can eat carb overload!  Safeway in Bullhead city, Mohave lake

Trail: walked down the road to the Mohave lake and around marina. Walked down the river walk in Laughlin

Highway: 93 and 68

Animals- roadrunner!!!!, a huge family of raccoons on the river walk, lots of birds in the lake

Arlene- being in the sun again, traveling between Nevada and Arizona several times, not know what state we are in or what time it is. (On the cusp of mountain and pacific time zones) 
Jason- driving through lake mead national rec area, sunshine
Ella- seeing birds in the lake, checking out all the lights in the casinos, riding her umbrella stroller on the river walk.
Gordo- chasing birds at the Mohave lake, sleeping in the warm sun

A curious roadrunner

Lake Mohave 

Name of our campground area

Watching gordo chase birds

Eating with dad. Check out their hair! 

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