Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 2 Willard State Park, UT. Nov. 20, 2013

Departure: 8:30 am from Craters of the Moon N.P.

Destination: Willard State Park Utah

Arrived 3:30pm

States: Idaho to Utah 

Highways- 93 and 84 

Visits: Costco in twin falls

Animals: same

Weather: 32-47 dense fog in am so we left park without doing any hikes, rain until we hit Utah but it's now raining here

Hikes: walked over to bay and around campground

Arlene- taking a warm shower with water hookup, power, second night we are the only ones camping
Jason- watching Ella smile 
Ella- looking at trees on our walk
Gordo- running in the sand by the lake and chasing sticks 

Ella's tooth is finally staying out. Here right lower incisor is sharp and slightly crooked. I think her left one will be out soon. Her gums are swollen but she seems to be handling the pain okay. Her amber necklace is probably helping. 

Day 1 Craters of the Moon Nov. 19, 2013

Destination : Craters of the Moon National Preserve

Depart: From Hamilton Mt. at 9:30
Arrive: 3:30 

States: Montana to Idaho

Highway: 93 Peaks to Craters scenic byway

Animals: cows, horses, bighorn sheep, eagles, king fishers, antelope, mule deer, alpacas

Weather: 32- 50 mostly sunny, cloudy and snowing in the pass, head wind 

Visited: Salmon for lunch. Visitor center here at park

Trails: trail connecting campground to North Crater Flow Trail and the loop trail. Walked campground

Arlene- hitting the road with a clean trailer, spotting wildlife and spending time as a family.
Jason- end of the day, relaxing in the warm trailer with a view
Ella- riding next to Gordo, making lots of noise in the visitor center and pooping in the trailer toilet 
Gordo- peeing and pooing on lava rocks


At the preserve

Jason off roading with Ella 

Ella enjoying the smooth floors with her walker

Ella was excited to sleep in between her mom and dad. She loves going to bed and sleeping in the morning. Having her sleep with us is pretty easy since we have a king size bed in the back of the trailer. That way I also don't have to wake up to feed her and I can make sure she is staying warm enough. It can get pretty cold when we don't have hookups.